JAnn Bowers

  • What lead you to write?

When I first heard Robert Frost’s poetry at the age of 12, I knew then I wanted to be a poet.

  • Was there a person that influenced you to pursue writing?

My kids keep me moving forward in my writing. The are always encouraging me to write more.

  • What is your preferred genre to write?

I am a poet, a painter of words. I love the wordplay, the rhythm and the metaphorical images I paint with my words.

  • What is your favorite genre to read?

Poetry, and true crime are my favorites; but I am open to about anything except for sci-fi. Fantasy or erotica.

  • What are your favorite activities or hobbies outside of work/writing?

My favorite hobbies outside of writing is, spending time with my kids, reading, watching true crime tv shows, yoga and meditating.

  • Who is your favorite author and what do you enjoy about their writing style?

I don’t have a favorite author, but I do have a few favorite poets. For classic poetry I enjoy Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson and for modern poetry would be David Wesley Anderson.

  • What is one major struggle you have with writing?

Taking the time to write. I find it hard to sit down and write each day. After being away for a year, I also fight with self-doubt and lack of inspiration.

  • Out of all your stories, which one did you most enjoy writing?

I enjoyed Inklings of Ink. Inklings of Ink must be my favorite poetry book I have written.

  • What has been one of your strongest inspirations for a story?

My past was, and is still, a large part of my poetry. My new book, It’s Now My Time: Coffee, Poetry & The Past is all about true events that took place and where I draw my inspiration to live and write each day.

  • Do you place any of your life experiences into your stories?

Yes, all the time. Each poem I write comes from some experience or some emotion I have felt somewhere in life.

  • If you had enough money to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would travel Europe searching for my ancestry and learning the history.

  • What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Keep Moving forward … Don’t let life stop you from achieving your dreams!

  • What is your dream car?

My dream car is a 1964 Ford Mustang, just like the one my mom and dad had when I was a tot.

  • What part of your writing is the most complimented?

Some have told me that my poetry is very inspirational and real and raw to the soul. Others have told me that my poetry has helped them step out and pursue their own dreams.

  • What part of your writing, do you feel, needs strengthening?

Some have told me that my poetry is too personal. But what is poetry then?

  • What is one of your most cherished items in your writing space?

My coffee

  • What advice would you give to someone trying to start building their platform and market their work?

Stay strong, believe in yourself, and ask others for help and for advice.

  • What is your favorite food?


Website: https://bowersjann.wixsite.com/echoic

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jann.bowers.39

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Poetess_JAnn

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jannbowers/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/91226291-jann-bowers

Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/JAnn-Bowers/e/B01N4QBXDT%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share