Second Chances: A Closer Look

Hello, Everyone. I did not receive any questions over the last week. So, instead of doing a Q&A for everyone on today’s post, I’ve decided to give you all a glimpse of my story Second Chances and some reviews that have been posted. Be sure to comment to this post if there are any questions that I can answer in next Tuesday’s post.

Chaun Hutchins was like any normal 32-year-old. He had a wife, a degree, a full-time job, a comfortable home, and a baby on the way. An accident turned his world upside down, but not before he uttered words for which he can never make amends. Haunted by his past, and events that neither he nor his family can explain, Chaun must find answers to his dark troubles, before his past destroys his future.

Chapter 1

Chaun Hutchins lived a common life. He had earned his degree, got a job in his field of study, was married, and had a child on the way. The area of his life that placed him with a silent minority, was the verbal abuse inflicted by his wife Katrina. Chaun had no idea that, within the next two hours, his life would drastically be changed.

It was a cold night in December. That winter had remained dry. No rain, no ice, only bitter cold. He and Katrina, were at a party, and she was talking with her best friend Shannon Billings. Chaun stood off to the side of the room alone. He was usually personable and outgoing, but lately he was reserved and very distant from most. He watched as his best friend, Jake, approached him. Jake Billings was Shannon’s older brother and the host of the party. “Chaun, you all right?”

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“You don’t seem like yourself tonight. Usually you’re out talking with everyone and getting people laughing. You just seem quieter than usual.”

“I’m just focused on the new exhibit opening at the museum this week, that’s all. It’s been in the works for a long time.” He fidgeted with the glass he was holding, nervously, running his index finger back and forth along its lip. “I’ve been getting sick of how Kat’s been treating me lately as well. I know most of it is hormonal issues with her being pregnant and all, but it still gets to me from time to time.”

“I can’t imagine trying to deal with all of that at once. Honestly, I know there were times when she wasn’t pregnant that she would treat you like dirt. Granted she has a good heart and all, but a good portion of the time she can come off as very abrasive.”

“That is true. I’ve just gotten fed up with it lately.” His head lowered as he looked at the glass in his hand. “Maybe if I wait until after the baby is born things will ease up a bit. Like I said, with the hormones going crazy right now it could be making it worse.”

Jake placed his hand on Chaun’s shoulder. Chaun raised his head slightly looking at Jake. “You might have a point. At least get out and start acting like your old self. Everything at work will be fine. You’ve handled it many times before; this time should be just like all the rest. Worry about it while you’re at work and not my party. You should be having fun and not standing in a corner feeling sorry for yourself.”

Chaun gave a slight smile, “Maybe you’re right. I’m usually the life of the party. You’ve always said I typically am like your party’s court jester. Got to admit though… there are a lot of easy targets here tonight. Look at all these crappy sweaters. I feel like I’m at a damn convention of grandkids with cheesy Christmas gifts.”

Jake started laughing, “That’s more like the Chaun that graces my parties with his presence. Get your ass out there and have some fun.”

On the other side of the room, Katrina sat talking with Shannon. It was not a secret among all the friends that Shannon never thought too highly of Chaun. At times it even seemed like she despised him. It appeared to everyone that Shannon had not liked Chaun even in high school. Most thought she had misjudged Chaun’s carefree and goofy spirit for immaturity. Kat continued talking, “I don’t know Shannon. He has just seemed so distant lately. It’s not like him. He hardly talks anymore, he just stays quiet, even on the way up here. He said maybe five words to me the entire drive up from Indianapolis.”

“You know my opinion on it. Honestly, I think he’s an idiot and that you could do better.”

“I know how you feel and I can understand it. I love him and want to stay with him. I probably haven’t been the easiest to live with since I’ve been pregnant and the hormones have gone crazy. I’ll have spurts where I go from crying to screaming within a few minutes of each other. Give him a chance; he’s not all that bad once you get to know him.”

Shannon looked down, deep in thought. She looked up to where Chaun was talking with Jake. “What do you see in him?”

“Honestly, with how boyish he acts at times you wouldn’t think it but, he is very intelligent. He’s actually one of the smartest people I know.”

“Hmmm… never would have guessed it. He always acts so dumb.”

“I know. Someone meeting him for just a couple minutes wouldn’t be able to guess it. It’s when you get him when he’s not joking or listen closely while he’s joking that you can really tell.”

Shannon looked at Chaun once again, raised her brow in astonishment. “I know Jake calls him the “Court Jester” of all his parties. Guess it would be kind of hard to be a jester without wits.”

“I just wish he would talk more. I’m getting so sick of his quietness. It’s driving me up the wall.”

“Talk to him then. Convince him to tell you what’s been bugging him. You aren’t going to get this settled until you two talk things out.”

“That’s true. I’ll see if I can get him to talk on the way home. Who knows, maybe we can make up if we argue on the way home.”

Shannon acted like she was gagging and about ready to vomit. “That’s disgusting. It’s bad enough I have to see him when he has his shirt off around the pool in the summer, let alone think of him naked.” Kat laughed.

“Well I better go see if he’s ready to go. I know it’s a long drive home and I’ve been decently tired lately.”

Kat got up and walked over to where Chaun was talking with a few people. “Chaun, I’m ready to go. Get my coat and go start the car.” Chaun looked and nodded at her for a second and started to finish his conversation. “Did you hear me? Go get my coat and start the car.”

Chaun’s facial expression changed and he got more of an angry distant look on his face. “If you guys will excuse me, she’s ready to leave. Have a safe drive home.”

One of the guys talking to Chaun said, “You too, and congrats on the baby.”

Chaun gave a slight smile and he and Kat said simultaneously, “Thank you.” Chaun walked to the other room, grabbed her coat, walked out, and handed it to her. She said, “Thank you.” He didn’t say a word as he walked out the door and started the car. Chaun returned a few minutes later. Ten minutes later he and Kat were saying goodbye to Jake and Shannon.

Jake said, “You guys drive careful and call us when you get home to let us know you made it safely.”

Chaun said, “Will do. Don’t have too much fun once we’re gone.”

Shannon gave Kat a hug and looked at Chaun, “You treat her well.”

Chaun got a depressed look on his face, “I always do.” I can’t believe this. Kat treats me like crap and she tells me to treat her well. They walked out the door and Chaun opened the passenger door to their 91 Pontiac Sunbird. After Kat was safely in, he closed the door. He slowly walked around, got in the car, and backed out of the driveway.


The drive to the highway, after backing out of Jake’s drive, took only ten minutes. It wasn’t until they were driving Southbound on highway 31 that Katrina got angry enough to speak. With as little tact as possible she said, “Why the hell aren’t you talking to anyone?” Chaun remained silent. “Hello? Are you deaf, or just ignoring me?”

“I’m not deaf. I just don’t feel like talking right now.”

“You could have fooled me. With as little as you’ve spoken lately someone would think you had gone deaf.”

As Chaun and Katrina began to yell at each other, a blue Ford explorer pulled ahead into their blind spot in the passing lane. The Semi-truck in front of them kept at the same rate of speed. Chaun began to get more and more agitated with Kat. How could I have been so blind and married someone so hateful. “Look I know your hormones have been going crazy lately, but that’s no excuse to keep treating me like shit.”

“I do not treat you like shit, and how dare you bring the pregnancy into this. I swear Chaun you are such a moron. You’ll use any excuse available to blame everyone else.”

“I do not blame everyone else.”

“Yes, you do. It never fails. Whenever things start to get tough you go and blame someone else for your problems.”

“I do not blame everyone else when things get tough. You want to know the reason I’ve been quiet and introverted lately? It’s because I’ve been nervous as hell about the new exhibit at work. But you wouldn’t know about that, because you don’t shut your mouth long enough to actually listen to anyone else.”

Katrina sat with her mouth open in shock. Chaun had never spoken back to her the way he had at that moment. She was furious. Her face grew red. Chaun knew what was getting ready to happen. The rant seemed to ring in his ears before her mouth started forming the words.

“How dare you talk to me like that, I’m a woman and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect. You are a worthless piece of shit. I’m eight months pregnant with our child. My hormones are going crazy and I have always treated you with respect and love. And all this time you have remained quiet and acted like a total recluse.”

“You’ve treated me with nothing but respect and love? What reality have you been living in? Very rarely have you treated me with respect and anything close to love. You are spiteful and very hateful. I don’t even know why I married you. You have made my life a living hell. I’m done. As soon as I can I’m going to file for divorce. You are mostly the reason I’ve remained quiet for so long. Every time I would open my mouth you would have some sort of hateful retort. I’m done with being your victim. Find someone else to treat like dirt.”

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. He saw the hurt in her eyes and the tears form at their corners. He turned to look out the windshield at the road and saw the semi slam on its brakes. Kat screamed and held onto the dashboard and door handle. He swerved onto the shoulder to miss the semi. Chaun saw another vehicle that was stranded on the side of the road. He had already been hitting the brake as he veered onto the shoulder. He realized he wasn’t slowing down enough and then realized the distance was too short to stop completely. The last thing he remembered was the car slamming into the back of the stranded vehicle and a nauseatingly painful feeling in both of his legs. Kat’s screams stopped the instant of the impact.

Pick up your copy today for $2.99 or $14.99. You can also read it free with Kindle Unlimited. If you want a larger peek before buying, if you sign up for the monthly Newsletter you will receive the first, 4 chapters free with your welcome email.

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Here’s what Reviewers are saying:

A page-turning delight! A Must read!

A truly outstanding, captivating book, highly recommended.

Tangled, twisted and enjoyable to the last page.

A ghost story with a real-life feel

The eyes turned black and… Do 6-month-old babies sit up like that? Paranormal jolts & smacks abound!

Even ghosts can have a change of heart

A haunting tale

Suspense , tragedy,loss and some dark entity.

Fast reading,entertaining supernatural sci-fi

A Thriller with Depth

Thrills and Chills!

Must Read

An interesting and captivating read that takes the reader through …

Wow, talk about second chances……

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