Tag: authors

What’s Going On and In The Works!

Hello, Readers. I wanted to post and give everyone an update on progress and things in the works. I have finished the second draft of Mane of Redemption’s sequel and will be starting the A.P.E. (adding, proofreading, and editing) phase today. All full chapters have been added. The additions...

Dawn Hosmer

What lead you to write? I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. When I was in 2nd grade, I wrote my first book The Lame Girl and The White Steed. It was such a sad, depressing little book. In high school, I wrote boatloads of poetry...

Louise Sorensen

What led you to write? Hi Aaron. I’m a visual person, and sketched and painted all my life. Until early January, 1998. We had an ice storm that coated everything in an inch and a half of ice and took out the power for five million people. For us...

Rob Bliss

What lead you to write? Extreme boredom as a child, and many deaths in the family. I escaped into books more than into anything else, so it was natural for me to eventually want to write books of my own. Was there a particular person that influenced you to...

Changes Coming!

Hello, Everyone! I wanted to let you all know about some changes coming soon to the website. I will now be adding Author Interviews to the website. I have had quite a few Authors ask me to interview and helped me gain more exposure over the past few years....