What’s Going On and In The Works!

Hello, Readers. I wanted to post and give everyone an update on progress and things in the works.

I have finished the second draft of Mane of Redemption’s sequel and will be starting the A.P.E. (adding, proofreading, and editing) phase today. All full chapters have been added. The additions will be adding more detail to certain points that need more description or elaboration. I have a title in mind, but don’t have it set in stone just yet.

Yesterday, I finished writing up a synopsis and new blurb for Second Chances. After those were finished, the process was started to have a new cover designed for it. Starting tomorrow, I will be starting the process for new covers for each of my books with The Book Khaleesi. I have seen their work with book covers of fellow authors and a few of those authors have recommended their services.

If you have not yet noticed, the website has had a major change added. A “Books” page has been created and placed as the new landing page. The choice was due to the landing page being the one viewed by visitors. The page displays the covers, blurbs, and purchase links to each of the stories.

I have a few more things upcoming, but don’t want to divulge too much too soon. Thank you for reading. If you could, please share the link to this blog post on social media to help me reach more readers. Have a safe, relaxing weekend and happy reading.