Tag: blurb

Happy Halloween: What’s to come?

Tomorrow is Halloween and the end of another month. What events lie ahead of us in the remaining few months of 2022? I am unsure of what will happen in the world, but know what I will be attempting to do starting now. There will be a lot of...

Full Cover Reveal and News

Here it is, Everyone! The brand new cover of Second Chances! I will be changing the covers on Amazon and others later today! If you’re interested in picking up a copy, you can click on the book title above, or can find a link on the “Books” page along...

What’s Going On and In The Works!

Hello, Readers. I wanted to post and give everyone an update on progress and things in the works. I have finished the second draft of Mane of Redemption’s sequel and will be starting the A.P.E. (adding, proofreading, and editing) phase today. All full chapters have been added. The additions...

Chrystal Stevens

What lead you to write? I had always been an avid reader and loved various genres of books. Sometimes I would read a book and not like how it turned out or I would say I would have had this character do this or that. So, I decided to...