Tag: facebook

Ginger Elinburg

What lead you to write? I needed a place to escape and writing gave me that place. Was there a particular person that influenced you to pursue writing? No. I’ve been writing in some form, poetry and short horror in the beginning, since I was in middle school. What...

Loraine Conn

What lead you to write? My earliest memory of enjoying writing was at the age of eight during a grammar test for English. I wrote a story about a hermit crab, which I didn’t finish because I ran out of time. The comments that came back from my teacher...

Soulla Christodoulou

What lead you to write? Hi Aaron and thank you for having me! I guess I’ve always been a writer but taking my writing to the next level with a view of writing a book, well that all came to fruition in January 2015, when I joined a Creative...

Changes Coming!

Hello, Everyone! I wanted to let you all know about some changes coming soon to the website. I will now be adding Author Interviews to the website. I have had quite a few Authors ask me to interview and helped me gain more exposure over the past few years....