Tag: pizza

Kevin Barrick

What lead you to write? – I can’t really remember the point where I wanted to tell stories enough to actually start writing, but I do recall wanting to tell my own Scooby-Doo stories. That was the beginning of my writing adventures. What is your preferred genre to write?...

C. E. Denison

What lead you to write? I was the youngest of three kids, so I spent a lot of time alone. My older siblings didn’t spend much time with me, so I spent my days making up and acting out my own stories. By the time I reached middle school,...

Terry Kerr

What lead you to write? I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil! I loved to read (I read everything I could, even down to the ingredients on the cereal packets) and couldn’t get enough stories – so I had to make up my own! I’ve never stopped...