Tag: posts

Happy Halloween: What’s to come?

Tomorrow is Halloween and the end of another month. What events lie ahead of us in the remaining few months of 2022? I am unsure of what will happen in the world, but know what I will be attempting to do starting now. There will be a lot of...

Welcome to a Hopeful 2022!

Welcome to 2022 and another New Year! Hopefully, it will be a year with much prosperity and many blessings. I know that it has been a while since posting last. This year, there is much in the works, at least in the planning stage, that will be increasing the...

Reason for Stepping Back from Social Media

Apologies for the long delay in posting this. I have spent the last week getting my thoughts and next steps in order. First off, I would like to say, “Thank you”, to all of you who have shown your gracious and full support over the last few years. You’re...

Readers & Writers

Welcome, to the New Site! I will, hopefully, be doing some new things with this new site. It is allowing me further opportunity to entertain you and hopefully add a few new reads to your “To Be Read” Lists. I will be continuing the book reviews that I did...