Welcome to a Hopeful 2022!

Welcome to 2022 and another New Year! Hopefully, it will be a year with much prosperity and many blessings.

I know that it has been a while since posting last. This year, there is much in the works, at least in the planning stage, that will be increasing the frequency of blog posts posted to the site in the near future.

The first of these, will be getting brand new book covers for all of my published stories. I will also be releasing the sequel to Mane of Redemption in the coming months and, possibly, be releasing another book or two later this year.

Some upcoming posts will be book reviews over some of my recent reads with links to get copies of your own. I will also be posting my TBR (To Be Read) list with links The links will be Amazon Affiliate links to help bring in alternate revenue streams other than from book sales alone.

Depending on what the analytics tell me over the coming weeks, or months, I may be changing the look of the website again. A lot of my decision will be made by how many people are visiting pages other than the welcome page.

I have also decided to no longer continue the author interviews, for the time being. With so much else going on, I feel that I need to focus more on the reading and writing. At minimum, until I get my TBR pile knocked down a bit and have a few more books out to help give readers more options. More books will also make it more likely to expand my reader base. Hopefully, posting more frequently on the site will pull in new readers as well.

Be sure to follow on social media and engage with posts (like and share) to help spread the word. Sharing posts from the website will also be of help.

My best wishes to you all for a better, brighter year. Stay safe and be sure to treat those around you with the utmost kindness.