Tag: proofreading

Update Monday 7: Things Upcoming

Welcome to another Update Monday. I am a week late getting this posted, but have some things possibly happening in the near future that some of you may be interested in. There hasn’t been much happened the last few weeks. I have some things happening in the next week...

Back Again—And With More Drive

Well, once again, I’m back. What kept me away? Being sick…again. My wife and I caught a bug going around and it hit us hard. It was a respiratory bug that lasted three weeks for her and two for me. Some of the symptoms are nasal and chest congestion....

A Fresh Start in 2021

There will, hopefully, be a lot going on this year. It has gotten off to a great start with much planning and putting into action. I kind of gave a brief statement on Patreon a few days ago. I will be discussing plans and goals that I am going...