A Fresh Start in 2021

There will, hopefully, be a lot going on this year. It has gotten off to a great start with much planning and putting into action. I kind of gave a brief statement on Patreon a few days ago. I will be discussing plans and goals that I am going to try and achieve this year.

The first thing I did at the beginning of the year was sit down and list all of my prior projects. After those were listed, I then went through and numbered them by importance. Writing and reading were the top two on the list. After those was the blog, vlog, marketing, social media, book covers, editing, promotion, etc.

I have already got a decent pattern set up throughout the week. I wake up and drink my coffee while checking social media. After doing that for an hour or two, I go to the study and begin writing. This has helped with productivity by leaps and bounds. I have almost completed the first draft to Mane of Redemption’s sequel. I’ll have to take some time on the proofreading and editing process to make sure it’s up to snuff. May take longer than it should with writing it over the span of the last 3 years.

I am also planning on updating my To Be Read list and getting that up and running again. There are so many books that I still need to read, but am making some progress in that area as well. Once I start back up with reviews, I will more than likely be posting one a month.

My Patreon page will be expanding in the future as well. I initially was focusing on writing and photography, but have started some other side projects that people may be drawn to. My wife and I got into playing Dungeons & Dragons over the last year and have fallen in love with the game. I have, since, started crafting terrain out of cardboard and foam board. We also bought a 3d printer and have started printing minis of characters and monsters to use in game.

I will continue to keep everyone posted as the year progresses and as ideas come to fruition. I hope you all are staying safe and reach for your dreams this year.