Tag: readers

What’s Going On and In The Works!

Hello, Readers. I wanted to post and give everyone an update on progress and things in the works. I have finished the second draft of Mane of Redemption’s sequel and will be starting the A.P.E. (adding, proofreading, and editing) phase today. All full chapters have been added. The additions...

The Child Thief by Brom: A Review

The Child Thief written and illustrated by Brom, is a macabre re-imagining of Peter Pan. This book is definitely a recommended read. Brom did an amazing job of his use of imagery through his writing. He was able to create graphic, beautiful details within the readers mind, without the...

Reason for Stepping Back from Social Media

Apologies for the long delay in posting this. I have spent the last week getting my thoughts and next steps in order. First off, I would like to say, “Thank you”, to all of you who have shown your gracious and full support over the last few years. You’re...

Dawn Hosmer

What lead you to write? I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. When I was in 2nd grade, I wrote my first book The Lame Girl and The White Steed. It was such a sad, depressing little book. In high school, I wrote boatloads of poetry...

Cynthia Yoder

What lead you to write? When I was eight, I started typing my poems on my father’s Smith Corona typewriter. I only know this because my grandmother kept a poem, dated it – and mailed it to me when I was in my twenties! Both parents encouraged me and...

Loraine Conn

What lead you to write? My earliest memory of enjoying writing was at the age of eight during a grammar test for English. I wrote a story about a hermit crab, which I didn’t finish because I ran out of time. The comments that came back from my teacher...

Louisa Ellemind

What lead you to write? My love for stories and words. My parents were highly encouraging when it came to my reading and my writing, and so was my teacher, so that definitely played a big part in it.  Was there a particular person that influenced you to pursue...

Kristina Gallo

What lead you to write? I have inspirational moments and it must be expressed when it comes. What is your preferred genre to write? I love romances and drama, a combination of both. What is your favorite genre to read? I love horror. What is one major struggle you...

Changes Coming!

Hello, Everyone! I wanted to let you all know about some changes coming soon to the website. I will now be adding Author Interviews to the website. I have had quite a few Authors ask me to interview and helped me gain more exposure over the past few years....

Readers & Writers

Welcome, to the New Site! I will, hopefully, be doing some new things with this new site. It is allowing me further opportunity to entertain you and hopefully add a few new reads to your “To Be Read” Lists. I will be continuing the book reviews that I did...