The Child Thief by Brom: A Review

The Child Thief written and illustrated by Brom, is a macabre re-imagining of Peter Pan. This book is definitely a recommended read.

Brom did an amazing job of his use of imagery through his writing. He was able to create graphic, beautiful details within the readers mind, without the descriptions distracting from the story. The author was able to give enough information during action sequences to give a clear image, but still leave enough unsaid for the reader to finish the mental picture of what was transpiring.

All of the character portraits within the book are Brom’s own work as well. The illustrations are detailed and stunning. They are gothic and beautiful.

The story itself is an innovative and dark spin on a classic tale. The only character and name that is the same is Peter Pan’s. All other characters and the island have different names. Peter and the islands (Avalon) backstory are different from the original as well.

The book was well written. Brom did a decent job of making the reader love or hate certain characters. Some characters he could have done better at creating a deeper connection too, but as far as most of the main characters focused on, he did a great job of drawing deeper feelings or connections to those characters.

Over all, I would recommend this book for any reader of Horror, Fantasy, or Action genre.

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