Theresa Snyder

  • What lead you to write?

My mother was a strong influence on my initiation into writing. I was bullied in school far before it was recognized and dealt with socially as it is today. She gave me a journal and encouraged me to write down my feelings. Then we would discuss them together. It helped me work through those troubling times. I have kept a journal ever since and that led to short story writing and eventually manuscripts long enough to publish.

  • What is your preferred genre to write?

I enjoy all the genres I write in. I prefer fantasy, scifi and paranormal because they are so malleable. I can take the setting and characters anywhere my imagination can conceive.

  • What are your favorite activities or hobbies outside of work/writing?

I am an avid gardener. It gives me time to think about my stories and where the characters might take me. I also edit other author’s work and help them shine. Another set of eyes are very useful to an author.

  • Out of all of your stories, which one did you most enjoy writing?

I must admit I am fickle. I love my dragon, Farloft, and his Chronicles, but lately, I have had a great time writing the first-person narrative in my Twin City, “Shifting” series. I love my shape shifter and the unique setting he lives in where everything humans think mythical, paranormal, and magical actually exists.

  • What projects are you currently working on?

I have two completed projects, the next Farloft Chronicle and an adventure with new characters in the world of the Twin Cities. They are with my agent and she is shopping them around. I am currently working on an adventure in my Star Traveler series that will be set in the missing four years of the first book. It is written from another character’s point of view, 3su, a kick-ass female trader who periodically bumps into the main characters in the series during her travels.

  • What part of your writing is the most complimented?

In reviews I am often complimented and compared to the old masters like Asimov, Heinlein and Bradbury for my scifi. That is putting me in some really elite company, and I love it. For my fantasy, many folks comment on how wonderfully ‘gray’ the characters are. No cartoon black and white, good or bad, for my cast. They all have flaws. That’s what makes the fantasy good for all ages.

  • What advice would you give to someone trying to start building their platform and market their work?

It just so happens that I gave a presentation on this recently at a convention. You can watch the video on my YouTube channel.






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