Update Monday: 6/12

Once again, it’s another update post. Last week was another tough one, health wise. At the time of writing the last blog post, I had a ton of energy and drive for the plans ahead. For the most part, those plans have not changed; only delayed by a week or two.

Since a lot of my recent blog posts have been updates, I’ve decided that I will post two blog posts a week. These will be Update Mondays and Review Thursdays. Mondays will consist of writing updates and life updates. Thursday, I will be posting either a product review or a book review. The reviews will have Amazon Affiliate links within the review for readers interested in ordering the book or product being reviewed, or, at least, investigate it further. Links will not appear as links, but highlighted, clickable text within the post.

I will be doing my best to keep with this schedule. What caused the delay was an ongoing health issue. Usually, I can take steps to keep the issue under control, but those steps were unsuccessful last week. I ended up making a trip to the Emergency Room and on antibiotics up until a few days ago.

Luckily, this bout with the issue has passed and I can get back into a groove to release more content for you, the followers/readers. My wife and I have a big project in the works for a Youtube channel for more varied content. Be sure to keep following the blog to see when more details are posted.

Thank you for reading what will, hopefully, be the first of many Update Monday posts.