Tag: editing

Holiday Update Post: Much Has Been in the Works!

Hello, Reader. Welcome back to another update post. I know it has been a long time since my last post, but there has been so much going on. I hope your holidays are finding you well. Part of the reason for the posting gap was due to applying for...

What’s Going On and In The Works!

Hello, Readers. I wanted to post and give everyone an update on progress and things in the works. I have finished the second draft of Mane of Redemption’s sequel and will be starting the A.P.E. (adding, proofreading, and editing) phase today. All full chapters have been added. The additions...

A Fresh Start in 2021

There will, hopefully, be a lot going on this year. It has gotten off to a great start with much planning and putting into action. I kind of gave a brief statement on Patreon a few days ago. I will be discussing plans and goals that I am going...

Kevin Barrick

What lead you to write? – I can’t really remember the point where I wanted to tell stories enough to actually start writing, but I do recall wanting to tell my own Scooby-Doo stories. That was the beginning of my writing adventures. What is your preferred genre to write?...

Dawn Hosmer

What lead you to write? I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. When I was in 2nd grade, I wrote my first book The Lame Girl and The White Steed. It was such a sad, depressing little book. In high school, I wrote boatloads of poetry...

Sarah Anne Carter

What lead you to write? My 4th grade teacher read some of my creative writing for class and encouraged me to write more and even enter a contest to be included in a journal. I was published in the journal and have wanted to write ever since. What is...

S. N. Bronstein

 What is your preferred genre to write? My preferred genre to write is crime stories.  I have written a series for adult readers as well as a series for children ages 9-12 about cats who are private detectives. What is one major struggle you have with writing? I have...

Mary Schmidt

What lead you to write? I have written bits and pieces since grade school. I hung up my registered nurse hat in January of 2013, and I found myself with time on my hands. My youngest son, Sam, had a cancer battle and passed at age five in 1990....

Genevive Chamblee

What lead you to write? I’m a southerner. Storytelling is in my blood. Was there a particular person that influenced you to pursue writing? There are so many, but the person who stands out is a college creative writing professor. I was a graduate student and had taken CW...

Soulla Christodoulou

What lead you to write? Hi Aaron and thank you for having me! I guess I’ve always been a writer but taking my writing to the next level with a view of writing a book, well that all came to fruition in January 2015, when I joined a Creative...