Tag: read

Happy Halloween: What’s to come?

Tomorrow is Halloween and the end of another month. What events lie ahead of us in the remaining few months of 2022? I am unsure of what will happen in the world, but know what I will be attempting to do starting now. There will be a lot of...

A Scaled Tribulation – Just a Taste

Prologue Jerry Clarkson entered the parking garage as the daylight faded. Usually, the streets of Chicago were well lit around dusk, but the city had been experiencing rolling blackouts for the better part of a week. No one from the power company had been able to find the source...

Kevin Barrick

What lead you to write? – I can’t really remember the point where I wanted to tell stories enough to actually start writing, but I do recall wanting to tell my own Scooby-Doo stories. That was the beginning of my writing adventures. What is your preferred genre to write?...

Dawn Hosmer

What lead you to write? I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. When I was in 2nd grade, I wrote my first book The Lame Girl and The White Steed. It was such a sad, depressing little book. In high school, I wrote boatloads of poetry...

Sarah Anne Carter

What lead you to write? My 4th grade teacher read some of my creative writing for class and encouraged me to write more and even enter a contest to be included in a journal. I was published in the journal and have wanted to write ever since. What is...

Cynthia Yoder

What lead you to write? When I was eight, I started typing my poems on my father’s Smith Corona typewriter. I only know this because my grandmother kept a poem, dated it – and mailed it to me when I was in my twenties! Both parents encouraged me and...

Chad Harp

What lead you to write? When I was in college, I wrote an article about Margaret Corbin that appeared in The Washington Post on Memorial Day 1991. That success led me to write a few more historical perspectives, many of which ultimately appeared in newspapers and magazines across the...

Nina Romano

1.What lead you to write? I’ve always written. When I was young, I wrote mostly poetry and as I grew it just became a part of me—a poet. I love stories and story-tellers. As a child, I sat around the kitchen table and listened to my grandmother, mother and...

Louise Sorensen

What led you to write? Hi Aaron. I’m a visual person, and sketched and painted all my life. Until early January, 1998. We had an ice storm that coated everything in an inch and a half of ice and took out the power for five million people. For us...

Review of Dolores Claiborne

Dolores Claiborne, written by Stephen King, is the story of a woman under investigation for the murder of her charge, whom she was caregiver to for many years. She lays out a story of how her boss came to her demise and how she, herself, tried to save her...