Tag: reader

Kevin Barrick

What lead you to write? – I can’t really remember the point where I wanted to tell stories enough to actually start writing, but I do recall wanting to tell my own Scooby-Doo stories. That was the beginning of my writing adventures. What is your preferred genre to write?...

C. E. Denison

What lead you to write? I was the youngest of three kids, so I spent a lot of time alone. My older siblings didn’t spend much time with me, so I spent my days making up and acting out my own stories. By the time I reached middle school,...

N.M. Spinni

What lead you to write? I always had a passion for writing even in college. I love writing as long as it piques my interest. Was there a particular person that influenced you to pursue writing? My girlfriend and co-workers influenced me to write. My girlfriend feeds my creative...

H. L. Walsh

What lead you to write? My mom really instilled reading in me and my sister when we were young. I think that influence was what lead me to want to write and tell my own stories. What is your preferred genre to write? I’ve always enjoyed reading Sci-Fi and...

Terry Kerr

What lead you to write? I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil! I loved to read (I read everything I could, even down to the ingredients on the cereal packets) and couldn’t get enough stories – so I had to make up my own! I’ve never stopped...

Katrina Sardis

What lead you to write? A: For me, writing became an emotional release as a child. I discovered writing as a way to speak without verbalizing all that I felt. Writing was my therapy, a way to cope with emotional turmoil. What is your preferred genre to write? A:...

Chrystal Stevens

What lead you to write? I had always been an avid reader and loved various genres of books. Sometimes I would read a book and not like how it turned out or I would say I would have had this character do this or that. So, I decided to...

Mary Schmidt

What lead you to write? I have written bits and pieces since grade school. I hung up my registered nurse hat in January of 2013, and I found myself with time on my hands. My youngest son, Sam, had a cancer battle and passed at age five in 1990....

Ana Rubio-Serrano

What lead you to write? My family. First, my grandmother, Anne always read books for kids to my brother and me. And she didn’t just read them, but played the roles of every single character: In a sweet voice, she spoke like the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood....

Aidan McNally

What lead you to write? I had some very tough experiences in my life that were unbelievable to me as I looked back over my life. Even though I was “that soldier” who had lived the experiences, I still had a hard time coming to terms with them. I...